Friday, January 3, 2014

Nephi VS Spider-Man


During my studies this morning i was reading out of 1Nephi 16. It talks about when Nephi and his brothers go hunting and their bows break. I love comparing the attitudes of all who are involved in the situation! Laman and Lemuel sit on their butts and complain because they are mad at Nephi over what was just an accident. Their parents and other family members started to complain as well. Nephi on the other hand stays strong and takes initiative. He thinks "what can I do in this situation? Well we need food so I will build another bow." He prays, builds a bow and asks his old man where should I go                                                 hunting and he DOES it. He is a DOER, he aint a STEWER.

Spider-Man has been placed in alot of unfortunate situations as well. But his attitude reflects his courage and responsibility. When Scorpion busts into the Daily Bugle and takes J. Jonah Jameson hostage what does spider-man do? He steps in and stops the Scorpion. Why would he do that? He can't stand Jameson. 

When Nephi and his family are in the Wilderness and Laman and Lemuel don't want to go, why didn't Nephi say "yall can make like Fleetwood mac and go your own way." Then leave the brothers behind? 

1Nephi 16: 4-5 Says:

  4 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did exhort my brethren, with all diligence, to keep the commandments of the Lord.

 5 And it came to pass that they did humble themselves before the Lord; insomuch that I had joy and great hopes of them, that they would walk in the paths of righteousness.

  Both Nephi and Spider-Man desire the well being of everyone. They want peace and obedience. They are trying to help everyone at all costs. They don't give up on anyone even if they are not the biggest fan of the person they are helping out. They believe in second chances. 
 After Nephi is tied up on a ship and beaten for 3 days, he is untied and leads the ship to safety and rejoices with the Lord. He never complains.

While Spider-Man is getting his face beat in by crazy villans everyday, he manages to make light of the situation, make jokes, and smile.

They would both be willing to dive off a building to save someone even if it was a complete stranger. They do not do it for credit. They do it because they know it is the right thing to do.

Who would win in a fight? That would take to long to write about but to make things short I would say Nephi. Because Nephi is actually real.

 I want to challenge everyone to be more like their favorite scripture hero and non-fiction or fiction hero, and strive to always do the right thing. compare your favorite super hero to your favorite scripture hero and i promise you will find similarities. It is pretty cool. 

#LetsChatAbout  #NephivsSpiderman 

1 comment:

  1. I never thought I would hear a sermon which included both Nephi and Spiderman but you have shed some light on their core belief that everyone is worth saving and that we shouldn't give up on anyone. This includes ourselves. Thank you for giving me something to think about this morning!
