Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Judge not, that ye be not judged


The Savior him self told us not to judge! so why do we do it! When we judge someone negatively we are pretty much questioning God's handy work. He has made us all different for a reason. That reason is NOT to be better than someone else. Yes it is true that some people make more poor decision than others, but that is a chance for us to say "How can i help you?" Rather than saying "Omg look at them." I literally never say omg but this is a No Judge Zone so I know I'm safe to say whatever I would like! Being nice is the coolest thing we could ever have. It is all part of God's master plan. #myboxistheman 

Judging others does not define who THEY are it defines who YOU are. There is no point in judging someone just because they sin differently than you do The only one who can judge us is our father in heaven. He created us and knows that we will have struggles. That is why he sent his son for us. Jesus Christ suffered not only for our spiritual struggles but every other kind of struggle we have. That includes physical, mental, social, you name it! any kind of "al" you can think of. 

We need to make NO JUDGE ZONES! It is time that Planet Fitness shares their No Judge Zones with everyone else. When we are loving and accepting to everyone we meet, we will
see a change in how we look at the world
and everyone in it. Follow the example of 
Jesus and quit judging. #WWJD Who would Jesus Judge?

If you find yourself Judging someone and then gossiping about them, just close your mouth. Listen to your mom. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. #PropsToMoms 

Make your home and your life a NO JUDGE ZONE and I promise it will not only bring blessings to your life but you will become a blessing to someone else's life. 

#LetsChatAbout #NoJudgeZones 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Have a Heart

Every Saturday morning we do service! One of our favorite places to go is over to Nick's house and help out with his animals! Nick is a member of our small congregation here in Livingston Tennessee. He was Baptized only a few months ago and his love for everyone and everything is awesome. He is the man! Everything that he does is for his animals and for others! He has already done so much for us so we want to return the favor and help spread the word about what an awesome thing he is doing!! So i sat down with Nick the other day after church and asked him a couple questions about what he does!

What is Have a Heart?

Have a Heart is an animal rescue/sanctuary. It is a place where animals can be safe and taken care of.

Where is it located?

It is here in Livingston Tennessee. We rescue dogs here and in the surrounding areas.

Why do you do it?

To rescue the innocent. Dogs love us unconditionally. I think we should do the same to them.

How has it blessed you?

It gives me a great feeling to save them and see them changed from an afraid animal to feeling joy and happiness. It feels great to see them get the love and care that they deserve. That is what god wants for us so we should return the favor to everyone person and animal we see.

How can others get involved with what you are doing?

By getting the word out! Help will be greatly appreciated! You can help by Liking our page on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/haveaheart2helpnetwork

When Nick told me about The animal rescue that he is apart of and why he is apart of it this is what i thought of:

    Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any soul should perish. -Mosiah 28:3 

I think that we all can learn from his awesome example!!! Our congregation is full of great people like him and we are on our way toward having our first branch in Livingston Tennessee!!!!!!

Have a heart and look for ways to help out everyone and everything around you!!!

Remember by small means, great things are brought to pass!!!! -Alma 36:7

And while you are at it adopt a puppy!!!!! There is no better gift for that girl you love on Valentines day than a puppy. See look I got one!

#LetsChatAbout #HaveAHeart

Friday, February 7, 2014


What on earth does Just do you mean? Good question. I asked a buddy of mine who is serving here in Tennessee with me if he would give me some advice on how i could do better as a missionary. His reply was "Just do you bro." I said that is probably the dumbest thing you have ever said but please tell me what that means. So this is what he wrote for me and it was really cool and has helped me out alot and I think it is something that can help us all out. Thanks Elder you are the man!!!

     So "just do you" comes from my first tranny (transfer). Elder Oliver would always say to me "just do you" whenever I asked what I could improve on or do better as a missionary. For the first transfer I hated it, but the more I thought about it the more sense it made. The "you" is pure and wants to do good, but it is our bodies the natural man side of us that sometimes want to do not so good things. God gave each of us talents and abilities to bless the lives of his children. We just need to recognize what God has given us and what we have developed because of the natural man in us. So don't bury your talents, cheddar them out so all can be blessed and become the best person you can be and get rid of the natural man.

                                                                   -Elder H

"Just Do You" means be yourself. When we find the best in ourselves we can help bring out the best in others. We all have awesome qualities! Yes we all do have areas that we can fix and work on, but fixing those things does not make us a different person it makes you be the best YOU that you can be. People will listen to you when you are yourself!!!! BE YOURSELF!!!!!!! This is not only applied in missionary work but also in everyday life. We have the choice every day to be the best that we can be! Work, school, church, football games, even Nerf wars. Yeah even Nerf wars. Be happy and be yourself and take some time this week and share with those around you why you are so happy! Mormons always get asked why we are so happy! So be yourself and tell them why you are you!!!

#TheOliveTree #WillLiveForever

#LetsChatAbout #JustDoYou

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

An Instrument in the Lord's Hands

We are all Instruments... But whose hands are you in?

I love playing guitar. It is one of my favorite things to do! Before i came to Tennessee to serve as a full time missionary, I was in a band with my best friend Montana. We played, wrote, and recorded alot of songs, and played alot of shows and yes... I had long hair.

 I have been thinking lately about how we are all instruments! An instrument such as guitar, when properly played and cared for and loved makes amazing music for all to hear! But how can we be that instrument in the Lord's hand? How do we avoid being an instrument in the hands of someone else? I don't know why I am asking you cuz I might as well just tell you...

In the scriptures over and over Jesus tells us to follow him and his father's plan! I'm not going to tell you the scriptures where it says that so that you go and find it for yourself! #scripturechase #gameon  The Savior came to the earth to teach the Gospel. His Gospel. The Gospel that his father (God) told him to teach. He layed out for us these things to help us get back to our Father in heaven, and to become the best instrument in HIS hands.


Being an instrument is a good thing. I can promise that if a guitar that is loved and used all the time could talk, he would say that he is happy, because he is doing what he was made to do! Make music and bring joy! We have that same purpose! We are here to be happy and to live life and gain experiences! The best way of doing that is by following what the Savior has asked us to do! His way guarantees joy and lasting happiness. Any other way CANNOT bring us that lasting joy and happiness!

 We all have the ability to reach our greatest potential but it is gonna take some help from the greatest musician of all time.The Lord! He created all of us to do great things! No matter what has happened to us he can fix us and build us back up! Just like a broken instrument can be fixed up and made new, we can all do the same! Every instrument has a history and a past and gets damaged and fixed just like us. We can choose to stay broken or ask our creator to fix us and be in his hands again. As we follow what the Savior has shown for us we will be fixed 100 out of 100 times.

Think about whose hands you are in right now. Don't be a TOOL. God has to deal with enough of those. Be an INSTRUMENT in the Lord's hands

Post #LetsChat on facebook if you enjoyed this. God bless and have a good day!

#LetsChatAbout #AnInstrumentInTheLordsHand