Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Spirit of Music

If thou art merry, praise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing, and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.  

-D&C 136:28

I love music! Music is one of the biggest parts of my life and always will be. I love playing music, I love listening to music and I love talking about music!

Normally when people pick a style of music, they choose a certain type that they call "their own" because of the way it makes them feel. I listen to indie acoustic music because I'm a lame hipster kid but that's just me. #word

I have noticed that no matter what type of music you like, whether it be bass thumpin or banjo picking there is one kind of music that i believe we all need on a regular basis. 

That is music that brings in the holy spirit. Music that is soft spoken, just like the spirit is.

When music is loud and fast paced it does not leave any room for the spirit to take place.

Don't get me wrong I'm a huge Ke$ha fan and that will never change. I like to think that i wake up every morning feeling like P Diddy. #tiktok

But, by not giving more spiritual music a chance in our days then we are not giving the spirit a chance to bless us and be with us more often.

As Missionaries we put off listening to music  that distracts from our purpose in any way, for the 2 years we are serving. It creates a great opportunity for us to grow in many ways even though it isn't the easiest thing to do and i feel a lot less like P Diddy than i did before my mission.

But that is okay! It is a good thing!

This is a time for us to wake up and do as the Savior would do.

I am a fan of all music and all real musicians. I'm not asking anybody to stop listening to their favorite music but I would like to leave a challenge with everyone reading this, to listen to music that brings in the holy spirit everyday.

We all listen to music everyday so try instead of listening to the story of my life by One Direction, try listening to something about the story of our savior's life and see what direction it takes you throughout the day. #punintended

Next time you hear music that distracts from the spirit think of this scripture   "And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?" If you have felt that comfort brought from spiritual music then ask yourself can you feel it now? If not then try this out. 

I have seen a difference in my everyday life and i know it can make one in yours. If you have any good experiences with this please let me know!!!

#LetsChatAbout #TheSpiritOfMusic

i said music 22 times.

1 comment:

  1. I am SO grateful for the power of music and the spirit that it brings into my life. I have found that the Spirit can be found in many songs, not just church songs. Right now I am obsessed with Tyrone Wells "And the Birds Sing." It makes me feel like I can make it through the days, that hard times may come but that the sun will always shine. Just like The Son will always shine and be in your life if you let him. #goodmusicmakestheworldabetterplace
